Title: slimerver.tcz Description: Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.0 Author: Many, see source site for list Original-site: https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver Copying-policy: GPL Size: 20M Extension_by: paul_123 Tags: MEDIA SERVER Comments: Base Server Files, no arch dependant binaries. ---- Databases and persistent files stored by in $TCEDIR/slimserver Log files are in /var/log/slimserver, but are not persistent. Start in bootlocal.sh with the command /usr/local/etc/init.d/slimserver start Change-log: 2019/05/20 First version, 7.9.2 1558382969 2019/10/29 First version, 7.9.2 1572359887 2020/05/25 Updated to version 8.0.0 1590399854 2020/08/29 Downgraded to release 7.9.3 2020/11/22 Upgrade to release 8.0.0 Current: 2020/12/23 Upgrade to release 8.1.0