Title: getlocale.tcz Description: Script to build customized locale support Version: 1.3 Author: Curaga Original-site: http://tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 4k Extension_by: Curaga Tags: Script build customized locale support Comments: To avoid having one huge locale support extension, this script builds a customized one according to your selections. - If you load this in the console, the script is called getlocale.sh. - The new extension will be called mylocale.tcz. - Change-log: 2010/08/22 Original 2010/08/22 Updated to check for duplicate in onboot.lst 2010/08/24 Cosmetic update 2010/09/09 Permission bugfix 2012/01/04 Updated for Core 4.2 (tcedir & eglibc dep) 2013/01/15 Updated dep for 5.x (back to glibc_gconv) Current: 2019/10/27 Updated getlocale.sh for newer dialog.